Finally, A Cure For BruxismStop Teeth Grinding And Clenching Thrush: Thrush is the result of an overgrowth of candida ablicans, a fungus that is part
Finally, A Cure For BruxismStop Teeth Grinding And Clenching Thrush: Thrush is the result of an overgrowth of candida ablicans, a fungus that is part
Thyroid:the largest of the endocrine glands , located in ht e neck. It has two oval parts called the lateral lobes, one on either side
* Transient ischemic attack or TIA , also called ” little stroke”, it is a result from a temporary interruption of blood flow. it is
Finally, A Cure For BruxismStop Teeth Grinding And Clenching Tonsil: a small, rounded mass of tissue, especially of lymphoid tissue; generally used alone to designate
Trichomoniasis: This protozoal infection of the lower genitourinary tract affects about 15% of sexually active females and 10% of sexually active males. The infecting agent
Tuberculosis is an acute or chronic infection, that can spread through the lymph nodes and bloodstream, circulatory system, and or to any organ in your
Tetanus is a disease that affect the Central Nervous System caused by the Toxin Bacterium Clostridium Tetani Bacterium Clostridium Tetani spores is found in soil,
Tendinitis: It is a painful inflammation of the tendons and of tendon muscle attachments to bone, usually in the hip, achilles tendon, hamstring and the
Testicular: Pertaining to the testis Torsion: act of twisting; state of being twisted Testicular Torsion : It is noted that some men may be predisposed