Tetanus is a disease that affect the Central Nervous System
caused by the Toxin Bacterium Clostridium Tetani Bacterium Clostridium Tetani spores is found in soil, be cautious
of dirty or dusty objects, such as rusty nail, rusty and dirty medal materials,
animal bites etc. If the spores enter in an open wound it can germinate
releasing a bacteria that multiplies and produce a toxin that enters in
the bloodstream called Tetanospasim.
Incubation period is about 5 days and or up to 15 weeks, with the
average of 8 to 12 days
Because it affects the Central Nervous System – it causes the muscles
to go into severe spasm. The spasm can be severe that it can tear
the muscle or cause compression fracture of the vertebrae.
It can cause death to newborns when the umbilical stump becomes
infected. Since immunization is mandatory in most of all the US, it has
been control with less than a hundred reported cases, and with those who
had not been immunized and or had not had the tetanus booster with in the
recommended time and or have not had the booster shot currently.
Stiff neck
Difficulty swallowing
Spasm in the jaw
Spasm of the neck muscles
Spasm of the facial muscle
Rigidity in the chest, back and abdomen muscle
Difficulty breathing
Call your doctor if you obtain a puncture and or open wound and have
not receive a tetanus booster with in the last 5 years
Tetanus immune globulin injection
Antibiotic treatment such as Penicillin
Muscle relaxant for spasms
Quiet and or limited noise
May need surgical removal of the infected tissue
It is important to have your children immunize – Called DPT (Diphtheria
toxoid, Pertussis, Tetanus toxoid ), it is given in combination.
See your Health Care Provider and or the Health Clinic near you.
If you come in contact with any thing that may have been outdoors
and or rusty, dirty objects and receive a cut that broke the skin, and
have not had a tents booster within the last 5 years, see your doctor promptly.
Clean wound thoroughly with clean hot soapy water, rinse well
Tetanus is serious and should be treated promptly, if left untreated,
it can lead to death.