Dermatitis: Inflammation of the skin
Cause: Either by direct contact with an irritant or due
to allergic reaction to a substance
(may or may not have these symptoms depending on type of irritant substance
and or the underlying cause.There are different types of dermatitis:
see below)
Dry, red and usually itchy skin
Crusty scales with or with blisters that may ooze fluid
Yellowish scales
Ulcerative skin
The doctor will have to determine and eliminate the underlying cause
Treatment varies with diagnosis
Usually an over the counter medication and or prescription from your
doctor. Usually steroid type topical medication and or special
shampoo for seborrheic dermatitis.
* Note: with all medication use as prescribed by your doctor.
Actinic dermatitis: due to exposure to actinic radiation,
such as that from the sun, ultraviolet waves, or x- or gamma radiation.
Artefacta: a skin condition marked by lesions that
are self-inflicted by the patient, whether by chemical or physical means.
Atopic dermatitis: a chronic pruritic eruption of
unknown etiology; allergic, hereditary, and psychogenci factors appear
to be involved.
Berlock dermatitis: typically of the neck, face,
and breast, with drop-shaped or quadrilateral patches or streaks, induced
by sequential exposure to perfume or other toilet articles and then to
Contact dermatitis: acute dermatitis due to contact
with a substance to which the patient is allergic or sensitive; when severe,
it is called veneata —Primary irritant (nonallergic)
Dysmenorrheica: a rosacea-like eruption on the cheeks
of a female, recurring during or just before painful menstrual periods.
Exfoliative dermatitis: virtually universal erythema,
desquamation, scaling, and itching of the skin, and loss of hair
Exfoliativa neonatorum: exfoliative dermatitis supervening
in bullous impetigo of the newborn.
Gestationis: herpes gestationis
Herpetiformis: dermatitis occurring in successive
crops of grouped erythematous papular, vesicular, eczematous, or bullous
lesions, accompanied by burning and itching.
Industrial dermatitis: contact dermatitis, usually
of the allergic type, caused by material used in the patient’s occupation.
Infectious eczematoid dermatitis:& a pustular eczematoid
eruption frequently following or occurring coincidentally with some pyogenic
Meadow-grass dermatitis: phototoxic dermatitis marked
by an eruption of vesicles and bullae arranged in streaks and bizarre configurations,
caused by exposure to sunlight after contact with meadow grass.
Medicamentosa: drug eruption
Pediculoides ventricosus: grain itch.
Photocontact dermatitis: allergic contact dermatitis
caused by the action of sunlight on skin sensitized by contact with a substance
capable of causing this reaction, such as a halogenated salizylanilide,
sandalwood oil, or hexachlorophene.
Phototoxic dermatitis: erythema followed by hyperpigmentation
of sun-exposed areas of the skin, resulting from sequential exposure to
agents containing photosensitizing substances, such as coal tar and certain
perfumes, drugs, or plants containing psoralens, and then to sunlight.
Primary-irritant dermatitis: dermatitis induced
by a substance acting as an irritant rather than as a sensitizer or allergen.
Radiation dermatitis: radiodermatitis -Roentgen-ray
Rat-mite dermatitis: inflammation of the skin due
to a bite of the rat-mite, Ornithonyssus bacoti.
Repens: acrodermatitis continua
Schistosome dermatitis:swimmers itch.
Seborrheic dermatitis:a chronic, usually pruritic,
dermatitis with erythema, dry, moist, or greasy scaling, and yellow crusted
patches on various areas, especially the scalp, with exfoliation of an
excessive amount of dry scales (dandruff).
Stasis dermatitis:an eczematous eruption of the
lower legs, usually due to impeded circulation, with edema, pigmentation,
and often chronic ulceration.
See also:
Jock Itch
See also:
Poison Ivy / Poison Oak