Adenoid Hyperplasia
Adenoid hyperplasia: This is a pretty common childhood health condition, which involves an enlargement of the lymph glands that are located above the back of
Adenoid hyperplasia: This is a pretty common childhood health condition, which involves an enlargement of the lymph glands that are located above the back of
Attention Deficit Disorder or ADD: difficulty paying attention. Patient with this disorder have short attention span. Commonly found in young children and may continue on
Acute Respiratory Failure (ARF): – This disorder occurs when the lungs no longer meet the body’s metabolic needs. It isn’t easily defined because it has
Acute Renal Failure (ARF): – the sudden interruption of kidney function from obstruction, reduced circulation, or renal parenchymal disease. If untreated, it can progress to
Want the Secret to be Acne Free in 3 Days? Click Here to Find Out How Acne: Acne or pimples, are the terms used to
Anemia: Anemias are marked by abnormally low numbers of RBC (red blood cell), a deficiency of hemoglobin, or a low volume of packed RBCs per
Anaphylaxis: refers to an exaggerated hypersensitivity reaction to a previously encountered antigen. A severe reaction may precipitate vascular collapse, leading to systemic shock and, sometimes,
Image Credit: Tumisu / Pixabay Alzheimer’s disease: The cause of Alzheimer’s disease is unknown. Several factors are thought to be implicated. They include; Neurochemical factors,
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis or ALS: The most common motor neuron disease of muscular atrophy, ALS results in degeneration of upper motor neurons in the medulla
Learn how you can end anxiety and panic attacks without expensive medication! Allergy Bacterial: specific hypersensitiveness to a particular bacterial antigen. Bronchial: example – asthma