12 Hour Cure for Yeast Infection
Stop Waiting Days for Relief
Yeast, or fungal, infection: also called Candidiasis
YEAST: A General term including single-celled, usually rounded
fungi that produce by budding, some of which transform to a mycelial stage
under certain environmental conditions, while others remain single-celled.
Infection: Invasion and multiplication of microorganisms in body
Candida: A genus of yeast like fungi that are commonly part of the
normal flora of the mouth, skin, intestinal tract, and vagina, but can
causes a variety of infections.
Candidiasis: infection by fungi of the genus (a particular
group or category into which related organisms are classified (taxon).
Yeast infections takes many forms. yeast infection often develop
where a moist environment encourages fungal growth. It is seen especially
on the genitals, webs of fingers and toes, folds of skin and nails.
Oral thrush is usually painless, often recurrent infection of the
mouth and throat. It is common in babies, young children and the elderly,
but also affects all ages.
Moniliasis (candidiasis) is a painful vaginal yeast infection experienced
by many women, most commonly during pregnancy or when patient is being
treated with antibiotics.
Balanitis (inflammation of the glans penis) is less common but equally
irritating infection of the penis.
Systemic yeast infections can occur in cases of diabetes, AIDS, and
other conditions or drug treatments that suppress the immune system.
In women, vaginal itching and irritation, unusually thick,
white discharge; redness and swelling of the vulva (the external organs
of the female) including the mons pubis, labia majora and minora, clitoris,
and vestibule of the vagina) and may experience pain during intercourse.
In men ,red patches and blisters at the end of the penis and around
foreskin, may experience itching and pain.
Oral thrush, experience painless white patches in mouth or
throat that may or may not come off when eating or brushing teeth; most
common in infants, AIDS patients, and the elderly.
Esophageal thrush, experience; white patches in the mouth and throat,
sometimes associated with painful swallowing.
Intertrigo (an erythematosus skin eruption occurring on apposed skin
surfaces), experience; itchy or burning shiny, pink rash with a scaly or
blistered edge in the folds of the skin. may have skin peeling on the hands,
between the fingers, and swollen nail folds above the cuticle; possible
painful, red and may contain pus.
Treatment will depend on your symptoms and specific condition, but
will focus on counteracting the growth of the yeast organism that causes
the infection.
*Oral thrush: Antifungal medication such as clotrimazole
or ketoconazole. For babies or young children with oral thrush are normally
given nystatin oral suspension (with dropper).
*Intertrigo -(nail. and skin): Topical applications of clotrimazole.
*Vaginal yeast infection: Your doctor may prescribe a cream with
terconazole or an oral antifungal medication containing fluconazole. And
if your doctor determines that you have a systemic yeast infection, you
may get IV doses of amphotericin or flucytosine. It is important that you
see your Doctor, especially if you are experiencing this for the first
Miconazole or Clotrimazole topical cream. There are over the counter
topical cream containing miconazole or clortimazole in the market today.
(For first time infection, see your doctor to be sure that you do have
a yeast infection) with all medication, use as prescribed by your doctor.