There are many tests available today for doctors to diagnose all kinds of medical ailments. Whether it’s a cancerous tumor, rare disease, bone fracture, or other more serious problems, the MRI is a great way for physicians to help find out a solid diagnosis. A contrast MRI is much like a traditional MRI, except that something called a contrast agent is injected into the patient. This special chemical allows doctors to pinpoint areas inside the body that they need to see more clearly to look for things like blockages, blood clots, tumors, and more. There are two basic kinds of contrast material: positive and negative. Each one plays a role in an MRI contrast test, but it depends on the situation whether or not the doctor will use the negative or positive material. The positive agents appear bright when the doctor reads the MRI, and the negative elements typically appear darker.
A good example of a contrast MRI test would be the newer, more modern version of the colonoscopy. This test allows doctors to see the lining of the intestines, and look for any problems like polyps or abscesses. With the use of the contrast dye, they can easily pinpoint problems much clearer and faster than ever before. The patient is injected with this special dye right before the testing takes place. It is harmless and should not even be felt once injected. While the traditional MRI is a very effective way for doctors to help pinpoint problems with patients, the MRI contrast test can help them find smaller problem areas in places like the veins or heart valves just to name a couple examples. This method of contrast testing makes finding problems much simpler, faster, and thus gives the patient a better chance of being diagnosed and ultimately cured.