Slim Fast Diet

When it comes to dieting, Slim
Fast Diet is a name that is widely recognized. It works by replacing
breakfast and lunch with one of their well-balanced shakes, which are
high in nutrition and gives you a sense of fullness after you drink
them. You also have a choice of eating a meal bar instead if you
prefer. The Slim Fast Diet shakes and bars are very important as they
contain one-third of your daily nutrient requirements to stay healthy,
and they include up to five grams of fiber. Being that the shakes and
meal bars are made nutritionally sound, you are able to safely replace
the most important meal of the day with them.

Fat Loss 4 Idiots: – Learn the 10 Idiot proof rules of dieting and fat loss.

The goal of
the creators of the Slim Fast Diet is for you not to get bored with
eating the same thing day in and day out. Therefore, they have given
you the option to combine some of your favorite healthy lunchtime foods
in with your shake or meal bar. You are allowed to add 200 calories
along with your shake or meal bar at lunchtime. An example of this
would be having half of a turkey sandwich with your shake, or eating a
meal bar along with a mini pizza, that is right pizza. If you prefer to
eat on the lighter side for lunch eat a meal bar with some low fat
yogurt and fresh fruit, or a salad. By being able to include these
extras while you are on the Slim Fast Diet does not seem so restrictive.

the time of day you have been waiting for is dinnertime. Again, you
need to be reminded that you are working towards calorie reduction with
the Slim Fast Diet, so the same principle follows suit even when you
are dinning at dinnertime. With that in mind, that maximum calorie
intake at dinnertime should only be approximately 500 calories. Your
500 calories should not all come from one source, rather should be
portioned out. The suggested portions are to fill one-quarter of your
plate with lean protein, which may include skinless chicken, turkey
fish, or beef. Another quarter of your plate will be starches such as
potatoes, corn, pasta/noodles, and whole wheat bread, and it is
preferred that whole grains are used when at all possible. Then the
other half of your plate that is left you will fill with vegetables.
Add a salad on the side and one serving of fruit or fruit salad for
dessert and you will forget you are even on a diet.