Scabies: A contagious skin disease due to the
itch mite,
Sarcoptes scabiei; the female mite bores into
the stratum corium (the dermis; or the layer of the skin deep to the epidermis
), forming burrows (cuniculi ), followed by intense itching and eczema
caused by scratching. Close environments such as childcare centers, prisons,
and nursing homes, the parasite needs a human host to survive, it has been
on the rise in the US and more preschool children under the age of 5 are
infected, probably due to the rise in child care providers. Transmission
almost always occurs through direct person to person contact. Scabies mites
survives only 2 to 3 days without a human host.
Itching, becoming intense at night.
Red lesion ( burrow ) red patches usually appear between fingers, on
flexor surfaces of the wrists, on elbows, in axillary folds, at the waistline,
nipples in females, on genitalia in males, and possibly on the head and
neck in infants.
* Visual examination of the contents of the scabietic burrow may
reveal the itch mite. A drop of mineral oil placed over the burrow,
followed by superficial scraping and examination of expressed material
under a low power microscope, may reveal ova or mite feces. If scabies
is strongly suspected but diagnostic tests offer no positive identification
of the mite, your doctor may order skin clearing with a therapeutic trial
of a pediculicide to confirm the diagnosis.
* If you experience intense itching and above symptoms,
see your doctor promptly for treatment, because it is highly contagious
and getting rid of the mite may not be as easy.
Application of a pediculicide ( lindane cream ) for approx. 3 consecutive
days or as prescribe by your doctor.
Your doctor may prescribe an antipruritic emollient or topical steroid
to relieve persistent itching.
Good hygiene is essential.
All person who the patient have had contact with should get treated
or see their doctor.
* Lindane cream should not be applied to affects areas if
the skin is raw or inflamed
* Call your doctor if you have skin irritation or hypersensitivity
reaction to prescribed treatment
* Washing hands thoroughly , and good hygiene is essential.