
Pharyngitis:  Inflammation of the pharynx, referred
to also as sore throat.

Pharyngitis can be acute or chronic inflammation.  Commonly among
adults who live or work in dusty or very dry environments, use their voices
excessively, use tobacco or alcohol habitually, or suffer from chronic
sinusitis, persistent coughs, or allergies.

Acute pharyngitis may precede the common cold or other communicable
diseases.  Chronic pharyngitis is commonly an extension of nasopharyngeal
obstruction or inflammation.  Uncomplicated pharyngitis usually subsides
in 3 to 10 days.

Cause;  In children, it is often caused by streptococcal bacteria. 
In 90% of cases, pharyngitis occurs as the result of a virus.


Sore throat

Difficulty swallowing (swallowing saliva is usually more painful than
swallowing food)

Sensation of a lump in the throat

Have the urge to swallow constantly

Redden, inflamed posterior pharyngeal wall

Mild fever


Muscle and joint pain – especially in bacterial pharyngitis


Treatment is usually symptomatic – consisting mainly of rest, warm saline
gargles, throat lozenges containing a mild anesthetic, plenty of fluids,
and analgesics as prescribed by your doctor.

Bacterial pharyngitis requires antibiotic therapy – usually penicillin
or another broad spectrum antibiotic if the patients is allergic to penicillin.