Medical surgical nursing is considered as a very noble profession.
The specialty of this profession is that the nurse can get into the
center of action and shoulder the major responsibility of curing the
Surgical nurses cater to patients who are elderly
or are suffering from critical ailment; therefore, the profession
demands knowledge and dexterity. They have to be well acquainted with
vast knowledge in this field in order to handle critical cases and
render mental support to the elderly patients. Those who choose to
follow this profession, require more training, whether in school or on
the job site.
Post operation, a patient remains physically
weak and takes time to recover. Hence, they need extra care and proper
vigilance. Medical surgical nursing is all about taking care of these
patients and providing them the support to revive.
Medical Surgical Nursing – The Job Of A Surgical Nurse
surgical nursing entails many responsibilities. A surgical nurse has to
diagnose and assess the critical condition of the patient. She has to
be alert always and keep a watchful eye on the patient. She takes the
responsibility of medicating the patient and keeping everything
documented. She engages in extensive researches and educates herself to
learn more about the ailments as well as their treatments. She should
work as a team with the doctors and physicians, technicians,
pharmacists, therapist and social workers.
Medical Surgical Nursing – The Characteristics Of Surgical Nurses
Since a surgical nurse has to multi-task, therefore, she should possess the following qualities:
and foremost, a surgical nurse should have the ability to handle
stress. She has to work under pent-up situations and therefore maintain
her cool.
A surgical nurse is always expected to have
enough endurance. She may have to work in the wee hours of the night or
sometimes a two-hour operation may turn into a five-hours’ ordeal.
Therefore, she should be prepared to compromise with the extended time.
The surgical nurse should have the willingness to take
orders from senior or junior doctors. She should accept it with good
heart and attend to her responsibilities dutifully.
A surgical nurse has to be accustomed to unpleasant situations and therefore she should be not finicky about it.
surgical nursing can be introduced in some specialty areas, which
incorporate orthopedics, neurosurgery and oncology. A surgical nurse
should be well aware of the advancement of science and research and,
therefore, she should keep herself up-to-date about the developments.
surgical nursing is quite a demanding job. It is a very challenging job
and you may have the ability to bag high incentives. The profession
also demands continuing education courses. Surgical nurses should have
a strong heart because they may find themselves in the center of a
life-and-death situation.
Med-Help is for informational purposes and should not be considered medical advice, diagnosis or treatment recommendations.