The medicine wheel has been used for centuries by Native Americans
to cure specific ailments and to create physical and spiritual balance
which promotes health and peace of mind. The medicine wheel is divided
into four sections corresponding to certain colors, moods, phases of
life and seasons of the year. The cause of illness is an imbalance
among these qualities and the medicine wheel is used to restore this
sense of balance. A medicine wheel is not a complicated object. It can
be made of wood looks like a wagon wheel. It is divided into four
sections and is easy to grasp.
medicine wheel is used by a medicine man to diagnose an ailment and to
prescribe a certain treatment. The red section corresponds to summer
and is characterized by fertility issues and extreme moods. It is like
the adult time of life, when there is the peak amount of vigor and
vitality. The yellow section corresponds to childhood and its season is
Spring. This section deals with energy levels and rejuvenation. The
third section is blue and corresponds to autumn. Its element is water,
and it is characterized by middle age, and the emotional faculties.
This is the phase during which people reflect on their lives thus far
and prepare themselves and their families for their old age. Green
corresponds to earth and is characterized by the elderly. As one
prepares to return to the Earth, they reflect on their lives and share
their wisdom. They still have much to contribute, especially to younger
members of their family. They represent stability and calmness.
create balance all of these elements should work together to create a
healthy whole. While we are more strongly characterized by one or
another at different phases of life, a person must be aware that he has
all of the traits discussed and needs to create a balance to live a
along and healthy life. However, a person must also accept which phase
of life he or she is in and to live to the fullest.
Med-Help is for informational purposes and should not be considered medical advice, diagnosis or treatment recommendations.