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If you make use of an automatic blood pressure monitor to keep a frequent record of your blood pressure level, you can easily avoid several risks like stroke and other heart ailments. This can be done at home without the help of a doctor.
Sphygmomanometer is the most commonly used blood pressure monitoring device, which comes with a soft rubber cuff along with an air bladder. The rubber cuff is attached to a narrow rubber tube with a bulb at one end. The cuff is inflated by pumping the bulb. The device comes with a gauge to indicate the pressure being exerted.
Sphygmomanometer comes in three specific varieties – Mercury Sphygmomanometer, Aneroid Sphygmomanometer and Automatic Sphygmomanometer. Here we concentrate on the automatic variety.
An automatic blood pressure monitor will give you an accurate and advanced blood pressure reading for it comes with a digital display which shows the reading right. The automatic variety is much better than the other blood pressure monitoring devices available in the market, for these incorporate lots of advanced technicalities.
You can use an automatic blood pressure monitor at home. However, before you start with the machine, be sure to take it to a physician to judge its accuracy and perfection. Remember, you should always re-check while taking the blood pressure readings as the monitor can give you wrong readings (which arise due to unintended body movements). A repetition of the measurement is also necessary because the automatic blood pressure monitor is mostly battery-operated and thus it can show wrong readings when the battery becomes low.
An automatic blood pressure monitor is provided with either manual or automatic cuffs or a built in LCD screen for showing the reading. Even some of these models allow wrist or finger readings. Most of the automatic or digital blood pressure devices are accompanied by self-inflating cuffs that can get inflated once the cuff has been secured and the monitor has been turned on.
An automatic blood pressure monitor is best for those who have hearing or eyesight problems. They are even capable of identifying blood surges beneath the blood pressure cuffs. However, the monitor at times also includes a paper print out, which means you will have a hard copy record to show to your doctor during medical check ups.
Automatic blood pressure monitors are also referred to as digital monitors. The digital mechanisms come with wrist and arm cuffs. However, the ones that come with arm cuffs are considered more accurate. They have a display screen and one simple button for operation. The main disadvantage of a digital or an automatic monitor is that they are expensive medical items and may not come up with correct results when the cuff is wrapped in a most inaccurate way.
Med-Help is for informational purposes and should not be considered medical advice, diagnosis or treatment recommendations.