Medical Questions Answered

If you are seeking information that will help you get your medical
questions answered, it’s important to consider the source of the
information that you find. Information from a hospital, clinic, or
university medical research website is most likely to contain accurate
information. You should also know that your doctor is the best person
to contact for getting your medical questions answered. If you do not
have a doctor, you can go to an urgent care clinic rather than the
emergency room (depending on the severity of your condition).
Obviously, severe pain, bleeding, or seizures demand an E.R. visit
right away. Use your judgment. If your symptoms are not too painful or
impairing your function, you should visit a clinic rather than the
emergency room—you’ll probably get seen faster.

Doctors at
an urgent care clinic will be able to examine you in person, and their
medical training enables them to find out about signs and symptoms that
you may not have thought of. It is important to be one hundred percent
honest with your doctor. If you’re taking any drugs, prescription or
otherwise, a doctor needs to know that to treat you properly. The same
holds true for other information. Be sure to notify your doctor of any
allergies, hazardous working conditions, or conditions such as
pregnancy or possible pregnancy.

That said, it is an
excellent idea to inform yourself as much as possible about your
symptoms and possible diseases. Doctors are extremely busy, and they
are human too—they might overlook some detail that could be the key to
your problem or disease. It never hurts to find out more when you’re
trying to have those medical questions answered, but it’s also a good
idea to take a break from your research. Otherwise you might start
feeling like you have every symptom that’s mentioned. Your doctor will
be able to reassure you or treat you, depending on your needs. Getting
medical questions answered is easier than ever these days.