Medical alert jewelry is a piece of jewelry worn by someone with an
existing medical condition. The jewelry is usually a necklace or
bracelet that contains some pertinent medical information about you.
It may also contain a telephone number of someone else who knows your
medical history or even any prescription drugs you are taking. This
type of medical alert can help save your life.
For example,
if someone is diabetic and goes into a diabetic coma, they cannot tell
the EMS personnel anything about their medical history. Maybe they
were taking insulin and took too much. Or maybe their blood sugar
dropped too low, causing them to go into the coma. If you are wearing
a piece of medical alert jewelry that tells the EMS personnel that you
are diabetic, it can save valuable diagnostic time. Rather than
checking out different things to see what is wrong, the medical
personnel will immediately know where to begin.
The medical
alert jewelry is great for anyone who suffers from diabetes,
anaphylactic allergies, adrenal insufficiency, chronic illness or
anyone taking blood thinners or someone who has a pacemaker
installed. This type of medical alert can also be helpful to law
enforcement personnel. If you are acting erratic in public or while
driving, it may be due to a medical condition. Having this piece of
jewelry or card will let them know that you are not drunk or high on
drugs, but suffering from a true medical emergency.
If you do
not like wearing jewelry, many of the manufacturers of these medical
alerts also offer cards you can keep in your wallet or purse. Many
companies make these medical alerts, but MedicAlert is probably the
best known. There is a new type of medical alert on the market. This
is a USB tag that contains all your medical and emergency information
such as prescriptions, existing conditions, doctor’s name and contact
number, etc. The leading distributor of the new USB tags is MedicTag.