Skin Acne Treatments

Cure Acne for Good!

Skin acne treatments can bring relief to your acne-affected skin and
help you get rid of ugly acne blemishes. Of the many acne treatments,
only a few are authentic and effective. To have satisfactory results,
you should consult a doctor, before going for any skin acne treatments.

Acne is a skin disorder, which plagues many part of the body
like the, face, neck, shoulders, arms, feet, et al. The sebaceous
glands present in our body play are the main culprits responsible for
acne outbreaks – massive oil secretion from these glands trigger acne
attacks. The oil secreted by the sebaceous glands attracts dust and
dirt to clog the skin pores. These clogged pores become the breeding
grounds of the bacteria P.acne, leading to acne breakouts on the skin.

Selecting Skin Acne Treatments

that the skin acne treatments depend on the condition/stage of the
acne. Your acne can be in mild, moderate or severe condition. Mild acne
is the primitive stage and can be prevented using homemade remedies.
Some prefer to buy OTC (Over-The-Counter) products to treat acne.
Salicylic acid or Benzoyl Peroxide present in the OTC products can
produce miraculous results. Of course, you will need to seek your
doctor’s advice.

Whiteheads, blackheads or comedones are
different forms of moderate acne. Prescription or non-prescription
treatment can bring effective results for acne. Severe acne calls for
immediate doctor’s attention. At this stage, the zits look deep,
inflamed and cyst-like. Severe acne causes ugly scarring and eventually
damages the skin. Beware of your condition and try to treat the problem
with care.

The first step in selecting the best among the
available skin acne treatments is to identify the cause. The causes for
acne can be anything – right from genetic factors, to hormonal factors,
stress, tension, environmental factors, and so on. However, you can
easily avoid/get rid of acne, if you abide by the following tips:

Clean your face everyday with an anti-acne cleanser
Avoid use make-up; if you are to use make-up, use products, which are oil-free (non-comedogenic).
Do daily exercise and sweat it out.
Also avoid too much of greasy food, as it enhances oil production.
Include lots of green leafy vegetables, fruits and plenty of water in
your diet chart.

combination of medicines can act as good skin acne treatments. Benzoyl
Peroxide, salicylic acid, erythromycin, oxytetracycline, Retinoids
(Accutane, Roaccunate) can bring commendable results for your skin.
Dermatologists often prescribe topical treatment for your acne
condition. Topical gels, creams or lotions containing Vitamin A acid,
benzoyl peroxide, antibiotics can prove their efficacies as highly
beneficial skin acne treatments.

With the advancement of
science and technology, treatments like laser treatments, Intralesional
injections, micro-dermabrasion, more and more effective skin acne
treatments are emerging.