Discover the Master Cleanse Secrets
Lose Weight in 10 Days!
The Fat Smash Diet created by
celebrity fit club’s very own Dr. Ian Smith is said to be the diet to
try by most that has been on it. Many applaud the variety of fruits and
vegetable on the lengthy list of things you can eat. This diet seems to
be one well thought out and balanced with exercise to receive your
desired results. The fat smash diet is broken down into four phases.
four phases of the Fat Smash Diet include the detox phase, foundation,
construction, and the temple phase. At the outset of this diet program
exercise is stressed from the outset. In the detox phase for the first
nine days dieters are asked to eat fruits and vegetables in order to
clean out the system, these can be eaten in a cooked or raw form.
Included on the list of foods to eat during those nine days are brown
rice, low fat yogurt, skim or soy milk and up to four egg whites a day.
second phase of the Fat Smash Diet is the foundation phase. This phase
of the diet allows you to add foods that you miss to the list of foods
you can eat. If you miss your sweets you can now add artificial
sweeteners to your list of things you can have, maybe a cold cereal can
be alternated with the oatmeal you can have. You may even now start to
include small portions of meats in this phase. One change that is made
in the Fat Smash Diet at this point is instead of eating two cups of
brown rice daily you are asked to only eat it every other day. You will
continue this phase for three weeks.
This now moves us
down to the third phase of the Fat Smash Diet of which is the
construction phase. In this phase you are in fact constructing the
foods you eat to maintain a healthy lifestyle. At this point, you are
learning the importance of self-control; you are now able to increase
the portion sizes of the foods you can eat. You now will be able to add
whole-wheat pasta to your list of foods, a few desserts such as two
cookies or one scoop of ice cream to what you can eat. Again, in this
phase getting a handle on good portion sizes is key, the good news is
you have a full month in this phase to get it right.
final stage of the Fat Smash Diet is the end of our building project
after we have cleared out, laid a solid foundation, and constructed our
diet plan we find ourselves in a beautiful temple phase. This phase is
one of maintaining, in this phase you would start to slowly increase
portion sizes in order to stop the weight loss process and maintain
your desired weight. Now with diet and exercise behavior changes in
place, you are on the road to a healthier life.