Teenage depression is a common enough phenomenon in today’s
adolescents. This is attributed to the stress associated with the
normal maturation process combined with surging hormones that are found
during this period in life. Youngsters who experience loss or have
learning, conduct, or anxiety disorders are more prone to bouts of
depression than others. Problems at home or parents who suffer from
depression make some youngsters more vulnerable to teenage depression.
Many also turn to suicide, finding themselves unable to deal with their
mental condition. Characteristics of depression in children are
different from those found in adults.
A continuously
depressed state of mind, poor performance in school and other social
activities, problematic relationships with friends and family,
excessive sleeping, obsession with death, and other such negative
behaviors are indications of teenage depression. Some teenagers may
turn pessimistic, take to wearing black clothes, and feel their life is
not worth living. Those affected by teenage depression may show
persistent boredom, low energy, low self-esteem, guilt, increased anger
and hostility, frequent physical illness, increasing absence from
school, poor concentration, and major deviations in food habits or
sleep patterns. The fact that about 15 to 20 percent of American teens
have experienced depression at some time is an indication about how
widespread the condition is.
Similarly girls have been
found to be twice as susceptible as boys to teenage depression.
Anti-depressant medication is usually an essential part of the therapy
but considering the age of the patients and their tendency towards
addiction, this is not a suggested course of treatment according to
many experts. You can get a referral to a therapist by asking your
family doctor or physician. You will need to find someone who will be
able to establish a rapport with your teenager. Factors to consider
when choosing a therapist are qualifications, licensing, and years of