Symptoms Of A Blood Clot

Your physiological conditions lead to clotting of blood in order to
prevent excessive bleeding; however, a blood clot or symptoms of a
blood clot can be detrimental at times. Clotting of blood jams veins
and arteries and this can be extremely harmful for your health.

The Problem

clots are formed in response to some injury/damage caused to the blood
vessels. With passing time, the blood vessels heal automatically and
the blood clots are completely dissolved. A blood clot, which is also
known as thrombus, usually starts in the legs. There are chances that
the thrombus may get dispersed and spread throughout the body entering
into pelvis, lungs and the smaller blood vessels. This can indeed lead
to something fatal.

Some Of The Most Common Symptoms Of A Blood Clot

is normal that you may suffer from deep vein thrombosis or DVT. This
usually happens within the veins of the legs and pelvis making you
suffer from several symptoms of blood clot including prominent veins,
tenderness, discoloration, pain and undue swelling of the calf muscles
in the legs.

However, if you have conditions of pulmonary
embolus, which is characterized by the presence of a clot in your
lungs, you will develop symptoms like shortness of breath, chest pain
and coughing of blood.

Other symptoms of a blood clot
include difficulty in breathing, a feeling of faintness, a painful
condition of the upper abdomen, arrhythmia, feeling dizzy, aching
shoulders, pain in the back and wheezing. In extreme cases, symptoms of
a blood clot can go to the extent of causing heart attacks, strokes and
even blinding of an eye.

Such symptoms of a blood clot are
truly dangerous and they should not be neglected under any
circumstances. If you have any of these symptoms make sure to consult
your physician as soon as possible.

Who Mostly Have Blood Clots?

of cancer are more prone to having symptoms of a blood clot. Therefore,
those who suffer from this disease are often asked to take a break and
take a small walk, when traveling for long distances. This facilitates
normal and easy flow of blood.

People who are suffering from
immobility too show signs and symptoms of a blood clot. Others who may
have the tendency of suffering from this particular condition include:

Individuals having fractured bones
One who takes chemotherapy
People suffering from arteriosclerosis
Aged individuals
Women who take birth control pills
Obese individuals
One having a history of DVT
People who have the regular habit of smoking.

Med-Help is for informational purposes and should not be considered medical advice, diagnosis or treatment recommendations.