Hair Loss Treatment

Is Your Hair Thin? Are You Bald/Balding?
Learn How to Naturally REGROW Lost Hair

Hair loss treatment in the Unites States is a billion dollar
industry with new customers coming into the market every day. By age
50, more than half of all men experience noticeable signs of alopecia,
or age-related male pattern baldness. Women, too, experience hair loss
with age and both genders are apt to lose their hair at younger stages
of life due to certain physical or medical conditions.

scientific and clinical studies have been conducted to determine the
actual causes of baldness and hair loss and the findings are helping to
develop more successful treatment options to replace or restore
thinning or receding hair. Laboratory breakthroughs continue to advance
understanding and technologies that enable the development of
successful treatment options.

Hair loss is associated with
hormonal and genetic influences that are very complex and the hair loss
treatments developed to combat the condition are varied and

There is a firmly established connection
between the male hormone testosterone and balding so many formulations
address this issue. Some of the more successful treatments involve
blocking the ability of a certain form of testosterone from binding
with the hair follicle, where it prevents hair growth.

concern raised by these treatments is that any disturbance in
testosterone may interfere with sexual performance. In a very small
number of cases, this concern has been proven to be valid but not

Hair loss treatments that target women are more
focused on lowered levels estrogen produced after menopause than
sensitivity to testosterone. Regardless of which hormone is targeted in
a given formula, hormonal involvement is the key.

many of the more popular hair loss treatments involve the sex hormones,
it is extremely important that any woman undergoing treatment for hair
loss absolutely must not become pregnant during treatment and men
should never even touch a woman who is or might become pregnant if he
is undergoing treatment for baldness.

Some of the hair loss
treatments for men can cause severe birth defects in unborn male
children. The risk is so great to these male fetuses that even touching
a pregnant woman is a potential and extreme danger.

For men
and women looking for hair loss treatment during the time of life when
they are starting families or who are likely to be exposed to women of
childbearing age, there are other successful hair loss treatments to
consider that do not involve hormonal therapies.

Med-Help is for informational purposes and should not be considered medical advice, diagnosis or treatment recommendations.