
Incontinence:  inability to control excretory functions.

Urge incontinence:  Related to decreased bladder
capacity, this diagnosis may be associated with conditions such as acute
bladder infection, obstruction, or interstitial cystitis.

Functional incontinence:  Related to sensory or mobility
deficits, this disorder is associated with alcohol abuse, Alzheimer’s disease,
closed head injuries, episodic loss of consciousness (such as:  seizures,
hypoglycemia, dementia), mental retardation, toxic confusional states (infection,
myxedema, uremia, hepatic dysfunction, and drug overdose).

Helpful ideas for treatment:

Medication therapy per doctors orders. Establish the underline problem.

Habit training:  by setting up regular toileting on an individual
basis, based on the patient’s own voiding pattern.

Try using the bathroom every 2 hours (during the day), and getting up
at least once at night.

Using protected pads and garments

Kegel exercise: (females)  to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles
by squeezing tight, let some urine flow, then hold it (count to 5) let
go and let urine flow. Do this 2-3 times a few times a day.