Hypoglycemia: deficiency of glucose concentration
in the blood, which may lead to nervousness, hypothermia, headache, confusion,
and sometimes convulsions and coma. Hypoglycemia is characterized
by an abnormally low glucose level, hypoglycemia occurs when glucose is
used too rapidly, when the glucose release rate falls behind tissue demands,
or when excessive insulin enters the blood stream. This deficiency
is classified as reactive or fasting. Reactive
hypoglycemia results from the reaction to the disposition of meals
or the administration of excessive amount of insulin. Fasting
hypoglycemia causes discomfort during long periods of not eating food,
for example: in the early morning hours before breakfast. Hypoglycemia
is a specific endocrine imbalance, its symptoms are often vague and depend
on how quickly the patient’s glucose levels drop. If not treated
properly, severe hypoglycemia may result in coma and irreversible brain
Cause: Reactive hypoglycemia can result from too much insulin
or oral hypoglycemic medication in diabetic patients. It can also
result form impaired glucose tolerance, with early hyperglycemia followed
by a delayed rise in insulin levels: rapid small intestine glucose absorption
caused by gastrectomy or other GI procedures; and it can be idiopathic.
Fasting hypoglycemia can be caused by exogenous factors, such
as alcohol or drug ingestion, or endogenous factors caused by organ damage,
such as pancreatic tumor, hepatic disease, or renal disease.
Cold sweats
Blurred vision
Motor weakness
For acute hypoglycemia: First priority is to bring the patient’s
glucose level back to normal.
Effective long term treatment of reactive hypoglycemia requires dietary
If conscious, the patient needs a fast acting carbohydrate, such as
sweetened orange juice or candy (than follow with doctors orders)
If unconscious: Medical emergency – Go see a doctor or ER promptly.
The doctor may prescribed glucagon I.M. or S.C. or an I.V. bolus of 50
ml of dextrose 50% is usually administered first.
For fasting hypoglycemia: surgery and drug therapy are usually
Comparing Hypoglycemia, Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA),
and Hyperglycemic Hyperosmolar Nonketotic Coma (HHNC)
Precipitating factors: Delayed or omitted
meal, insulin overdose, excessive exercise without food or insulin adjustments.
Symptom onset: Rapid – can be minutes to hours
Signs and symptoms: Skin and Mucous membranes:
Cold, clammy skin, pallor, profuse sweating, normal mucous membranes.
Neurologic status: Initial state –Irritability,
nervousness, hand tremors, may have difficulty speaking, and concentrating,
difficulty focusing, and coordinating. – Late state- – Dilated pupils,
hyper-reflexia, Coma.
Muscle strength: Normal or reduced
GI: None
Temperature: Normal, if in deep coma- may be subnormal
Pulse: Tachycardic (abnormally rapid pulse rate), if in
deep coma – bradycardic (abnormally low pulse rate)
Blood pressure: Normal to above normal
Respirations: Initial state: normal to rapid. –
state: slow
Breath odor: Normal
Other: Hunger
Treatment: Glucose, glucagon, epinephrine
Precipitating factors: Undiagnosed diabetes,
Neglected treatment, infection, cardiovascular disorders, physical stress,
emotional stress, and Exercise in uncontrolled diabetes
Symptom onset: Slow – can be hours to days
Signs and symptoms: Skin and Mucous membranes:
Warm, flushed, dry, loose skin; dry, crusty mucous membranes; soft eyeballs
Neurologic status: Initial state: dullness, confusion,
lethargy; diminished reflexes. –Late state: coma
Muscle strength: Extremely weak
GI: Anorexia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal tenderness
and pain
Temperature: Hypothermia, Patient may have a fever – from
dehydration or infection.
Pulse: Mildly tachycardic, weak
Blood pressure: Subnormal
Respirations: Initial state: deep, fast. – Late
state: Kussmaul’s (deep rapid respiration)
Breath odor: Fruity, acetone
Other: Thirst
Treatment: Insulin, fluid replacement, electrolyte replacement,
anti acidosis therapy (if needed)
Hyperglycemic Hyperosmolar
Nonketotic Coma (HHNC)
Precipitating factors: Undiagnosed diabetes, infection
or other stress, acute or chronic illnesses, certain drugs and medical
procedures, severe burns treated with high glucose concentrations
Symptom onset: Slow – can be hours to days, but
more gradual than DKA
Signs and symptoms: Skin and Mucous membranes:
Warm, flushed, dry, extremely loose skin; dry, crusty mucous membranes;
soft eyeballs
Neurologic status: Initial state: dullness, confusion,
lethargy, diminished reflexes. – Late state: Coma
Muscle strength: Extremely weak
GI: None
Temperature: May have a fever (usually from dehydration
or infection)
Pulse: Usually rapid
Blood pressure: Subnormal
Respirations: Rapid (not like DKA)
Breath odor: Normal
Other: Initial – Thirst – Late- Thirst may be absent
Treatment: Fluid replacement, insulin, electrolyte replacement