Gastritis: inflammation of the stomach. This
inflammatory disorder of the gastric mucosa may be acute or chronic.
Acute gastritis is the most common stomach disorder. In a patient
with epigastric discomfort or other GI symptoms (particularly bleeding),
a history suggesting exposure to a GI irritant suggests gastritis.
Gastritis usually accompanies pernicious anemia (as chronic atrophic gastritis).
Gastritis is more prevalent in the elderly, but can occur at any age.
Cause: Acute gastritis may be caused by:
Chronic ingestion of irritating foods or an allergic reaction to them.
Alcohol or drugs, such as aspirin
Poisons, such as: DDT, ammonia, mercury, and carbon tetrachloride
Hepatic disorders, such as: portal hypertension
Gi disorders, such as: spure
Infectious disorders
Curling’s ulcer (after a burn)
Cushing’s ulcer
Gi injury may be thermal such as: ingesting a hot fluid, or mechanical
– such as: swallowing a foreign object.
Corrosive gastritis may be caused by ingestion of strong
acids or alkalies.
Acute phlegmonous gastritis may be caused by a rare bacterial
infection of the stomach wall (usually streptococcal)
GI bleeding
Mild epigastric discomfort
Symptoms are usually relieved by eliminating the gastric irritant or
other cause.
Corrosive gastritis: to neutralize with the appropriate antidote
(emetics are contraindicated).
Gastritis cause by poisons: emetics, anticholinergics such as
methantheline bromide
GI distress: histamine anatagonists such as cimetidine, and antacids
When gastritis causes massive bleeding, treatment includes blood replacement;
iced saline lavage, possibly with norepinephrine; angiography with vasopressin
infused in normal saline solution; and surgery.
Bacterial gastritis: antibiotic therapy, bland diet, and antiemetic.
Acute phlegnonous gastritis: Vigorous antibiotic therapy followed
by surgical repair.
NOTE: with all medication use as directed by your doctor.