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There are hundreds of types of cancer out there and many people have the same question concerning this disease and that is, what is cancer? Cancer is the word used to describe a group of diseases that all have to do with cells. Cells that are affected with cancer do not grow at a normal rate and spread incredibly quickly. Cancer cells are also different compared to regular cells because they keep multiplying and do not die. When people asked the question “What is cancer?” they usually have a vague idea that cancer has something to do with tumors. This is somewhat correct because the abnormal cells that cause cancel sometimes group together to form hard masses which become tumors. If a form of cancer is caught early enough, the cancer can usually be cured by surgically removing the tumor. Cancer becomes more dangerous when cancer cells spread away from the tumor and travel to different parts of the body.
What is Cancer? Cancer is a fairly common group of diseases that can affect anyone. Cancer does not discriminate according to age, sex, or race, although certain types of cancers are more common in certain people than others. Cancer has become extremely prevalent throughout the United States. It is estimated that one half of men and one third of women will develop cancer sometime in their lives. With staggering numbers of cancer victims, it is extremely important for cancer research to continue.
The second most common question beside what is cancer is what causes cancer. This is a tricky question because some cancers do not have any traces as to what causes them, while other cancers have strict origins. For example, blood cancer does not seem to have a direct reason that it occurs, while Mesothelioma cancer is directly linked to the exposure to asbestos. Cancer can be a devastating group of diseases to deal with and unfortunately takes the lives of many people throughout the world ever year. It is important to continue supporting cancer research organizations so that cures and treatments can continue to become available.