What Does Skin Cancer Look Like?

Moles, Warts & Skin Tags Removal

From blemishes which seem to scar, to sunspots and subtle changes in pigment, a change in your skin’s appearance is to be taken seriously and examined by a dermatologist or family physician immediately.  But often you will be asking yourself, what does skin cancer look like? In this case it may be a good idea to research various photo galleries of different skin cancer as it occurs on various parts of the body. Being proactive in your healthcare demands that you be an active participant and gaining some familiarity with the physical properties of skin cancer may aid in early detection if symptoms appear.  At least you’ll have a general concept to apply to the question of; what does skin cancer look like?  And although not to be used as a substitute for medical advice, being familiar with the appearance of different skin cancers could help you to communicate any changes you’ve noticed with your doctor more easily.

The very nature of the disease makes the question of what does skin cancer look like hard to answer. Depending on the cancer’s stage or severity, location on body and type of skin cancer, appearance can vary widely between individual patients.  Additionally, there are different types of skin cancer such as melanoma, which is cancer located in the cells responsible for pigment, or non-melanoma skin cancer located in the basal and squamous cells.  For example, basal cell carcinoma, a non-melanoma skin cancer may sometimes appear to a small pink spot which almost mimics the look of an acne scar while a Squamous Cell Carcinoma may have a bit of texture or appear yellow in color.  A melanoma skin cancer, which originates in the cells responsible for pigment, may experience a change in size or appearance of a mole or the darkening of a pigmented area.

However, all three of these skin cancers can look different from someone else who suffers from the same affliction depending on the stage and the individual’s overall health and lifestyle. That is why it is so important to immediately consult with a doctor if you notice a change in your skin and think to yourself, what does skin cancer look like?