Testicular Cancer

A lump is the most prevalent way cancer is found including
testicular cancer.  Usually the patient notices or feels a lump on
their testicles but they could also appear swollen or painful.  If any
of these three symptoms are present or a combination of them, it is
recommended to go and see a doctor.  It is likely at this point that
screening and tests would be ordered to determine the presence of
testicular cancer.  These tests can include an ultra sound, blood
tests, or various scans (CT, MRI, and PET).

There are
additional signs to be watchful for when on the lookout for testicular
cancer.  These symptoms are not as common as the three listed above but
still occur.  If a boy or man is experiencing breast growth or
tenderness in the breast area, if a small boy (pre-pubescent) is
growing hair on his face and/or body, or if a grown man starts to lose
interest in sex.  These signs will be present at the onset of
testicular cancer, you should see you doctor to determine if this or
another reason is the cause.

If the testicular cancer is
further along (advanced), a painful lower back is usually present. 
This type of cancer can also spread to the lungs, warning signs that
this has happened are shortness of breath, a pain in your chest, or
coughing/spitting up blood.  These symptoms do not mean that you have
testicular cancer but if you are exhibiting these symptoms you should
see your doctor.

It is important to remember that there can be
other causes for some of these symptoms that are not testicular
cancer.  If you have suffered an injury to your testicles it could
result in them being swollen and tender. An appointment should be made
with your doctor to discuss these signs and tests will be ordered for
further investigation.