Stomach Cancer

Only about 2% of the cancer cases diagnosed each year in the U.S.
are attributed to stomach cancer, but the mortality rate remains high.
Unfortunately, many of the signs and symptoms can easily be confused
with other minor gastrointestinal upsets. This makes diagnosis of
cancer much more likely in the later stages when treatment is
difficult. Regular screening by your doctor may help catch a problem
early on, and awareness of any current gastrointestinal issues is
important. Prompt evaluation is needed if symptoms occur.

Symptoms and Causes of Stomach Cancer

signs of this type of cancer are often missed. They can include common
problems such as diarrhea, heartburn, loss of appetite, weight loss,
and bloating after eating. As the cancer progresses, the symptoms are
more pronounced, and can include frequent abdominal pain, bleeding from
the rectum, continued weight loss, vomiting, and severe weakness.

many cases of stomach cancer can be prevented by eating a healthy diet.
Though some incidences are a result of genetic inheritances, studies
show that cancer deaths are much higher in countries that frequently
eat high salt and cure-foods diets. Limiting pickled, salted, and
smoked foods will lower your risk. Men who smoke and those who have had
stomach inflammation or an H. Pylori infection are at a higher risk as

Stomach Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment

Gastroscopic exam and an Upper GI series are often used to detect the
presence of abnormal findings when symptoms are present. A biopsy is
most often performed on the suspected stomach tissue, and a positive
cancer diagnosis is made only after a pathologist has examined the
cells under a microscope. If cancer is present, additional testing may
be done to determine how advanced the cancer is, or in what stage the
patient is in.

Treatment for stomach cancer is difficult, as it
is usually diagnosed at a later stage when it has spread to other parts
of the body. Treatment options depend on the location and severity of
the cancer, and usually include surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy.
In severe genetic cases, some doctors may even remove a patient’s
stomach before they have a chance to develop cancer.