Liver cancer is cancer that begins in the liver and is often caused
by an abnormal growth of cells called tumors. The more common type of
liver cancer is when cancer spreads into the liver from other parts of
the body. There is a strong link between liver cancer and chronic
hepatitis B. Males are more likely to be affected by liver cancer than
Symptoms of liver cancer include abdominal pain,
fever, weakness, anorexia, jaundice and as tumors grow back pain may
develop. If your primary care physician suspects liver cancer
diagnostic tests such as ct scans, radioisotope scans, MRI and blood
tests will be ordered.
Aggressive treatment of liver
cancer is important. Surgery can be performed to remove the tumors if
the cancer is not spread to other parts of the body. The remaining
healthy parts of the liver will take over for full function of the
liver. Chemotherapy can also be used to kill the cancer cells and
shrink the tumors. In some cases liver transplantation may be
necessary. Choice of treatment depends on the number of tumors, the
size of the tumors and their location.
Surgery can cure
liver cancer once the tumors are removed and that is why it is so
important to detect liver cancer in the early stages. The age and
general health of the patient is an important factor when deciding on a
treatment. If surgery is not an option there are other methods of
treatment to control the liver cancer and help the patient to live
longer and feel better.
There are some things you can do to
reduce your chances of liver cancer. Make sure that you buy food that
is safe and clean. When you prepare food always make sure the area is
clean before the food comes in contact with it. When eating out check
to make sure that the restaurant is well taken care of.
important steps to take are to avoid illegal drugs and excessive intake
of alcohol. Try to eat small, frequent meals that are well balanced
and take vitamins as recommended by your physician. Most of all
maintain a healthy lifestyle and discuss any problems with your