Inflammatory Breast Cancer

Think all breast cancers are alike?  Guess again.  The newly
recognized inflammatory breast cancer may be one of the sneakiest
combatants in our war against this type of condition. 

Below, we’ll look at the “ABCs” of inflammatory breast cancer, including how it’s detected and how it’s treated. 

A.  What is Inflammatory Breast Cancer?

breast cancer (also known as “IBC”) is a very serious form of breast
cancer with a lower-than-average survival rate.  Because it affects the
breasts differently than “standard” breast cancer, lumps do not form. 
Instead, hardening of the breasts and breast enlargement take place;
unfortunately, these symptoms are often misdiagnosed or ignored.

mastectomies are an excellent way to detect inflammatory breast cancer,
they are not always a surefire method; in addition, a biopsy and
bloodwork may be necessary to ensure a proper diagnosis. 

B.  What are the Symptoms of Inflammatory Breast Cancer?

noted previously, inflammatory breast cancer’s signs are much different
than one might expect.  No lumps are present; instead, the breast is
tender, sore, usually swollen, and often “hardened.”  Severe pain may
also be present, though that’s not always the case.

many females ignore these symptoms of inflammatory breast cancer at
first, assuming that they are simply having “PMS” or are experiencing a
hormone-related concern.  But it’s important to never underestimate or
avoid talking with a physician about symptoms, even those that appear
at first to be mild, because inflammatory breast cancer can spread

C.  What are the Treatments of Inflammatory Breast Cancer?

other breast cancers, treatment of inflammatory breast cancer usually
includes a combination of surgery, chemotherapy, and/or radiation.  The
length of treatment and the response to treatment will vary from
patient to patient; however, when diagnosed in Stage 1 or 2,
inflammatory breast cancer is highly treatable and the remission rate
is excellent.