New technologies such as cancer pictures are allowing doctors to
more easily diagnose cancer in hard to view areas of the body. For
example, a cancer picture tonsil will allow doctors to more thoroughly
view the back region of the patient’s throat. There are, in fact, a
growing number of cancer cases specific to the tonsils. Cancer picture
tonsil technology gives a glimpse into the detrimental effects that
smoking and the juice from smokeless tobacco has on the throat and
tonsils. In an effort to avoid this diagnosis, many anti-tobacco
advocates are including a copy of a cancer picture tonsil in the
information packets distributed to elementary, middle, and high schools
throughout the country. The internet is also joining in the fight
against cancer as well. There are many websites now dedicated to
revealing the stark and frightening reality of throat and tonsil cancer
by posting a cancer picture tonsil to raise awareness.
doctors and experts agree that the risks associated with removing the
tonsils at a young age, irregardless of whether or not they are
infected with tonsillitis, may be far outweighed by the latter day
risks of contracting cancer in the tonsils. Although this practice is
currently controversial, and the cause of much debate in the medical
community, removing the tonsils may also prevent cancer that is a
result of prolonged exposure to second-hand smoke, automobile
emissions, and chemical fumes in the workplace. Another, and certainly
less controversial, method of preventing throat and tonsil cancer is
stressing the importance of avoiding tobacco products, as well as
second-hand smoke. Likewise, most experts agree that a diet rich in
cruciferous vegetables including turnips, cauliflower, and broccoli,
significantly reduces the risks for developing cancer later in life.
By combining these preventative measures and educating individuals via
methods that include the proliferation of images like a cancer picture
tonsil, the battle against throat and tonsil cancer is capable of being