Blisters & Contact Dermatitis: It is
a skin inflammation that results when the skin comes in contact with substances
that can cause an allergic or inflammatory reaction. Clusters of blisters
may result from severe burns, contact dermatitis, insect bites, viral infections,
drug or chemical reactions, exposure to extreme cold, or autoimmune disorders.Have
you been using some lotion or medicine to help relive them? If so you may
be over treating it. Called ‘over treatment dermatitis – it is a form of
contact dermatitis that occurs when inflammation results from measures
used to treat another skin disorder.
Most common type of contact dermatitis involves inflammation that results
from contact with substances that may be irritants. These includes–acids,
alkaline materials such as soap and detergents, solvents and other chemical.
The other type involves exposures to a material to which the person
has become hypersensitive or allergic–the skin inflammation varies from mild
irritation and redness, to rash to open sores depending on the type of
allergen, what part of body parts got infected and the sensitivity of the
Common allergens: Poison oaks, poison ivy, poison sumac
and other plants. nickel or other materials, antibiotics-expecially topical(those
applied to skin), rubber and latex, cosmetic products, topical anesthetic
or other medications that are applied to the surface of the skin, detergents,
solvents, adhesive perfumes, fragrance, chemical and substance.
Some products like sunscreen, sulfa ointments, coal-tar products. A
few airborne allergens such as ragweed or insecticides spray.
The diagnosis is primary based on the skin appearance and history of
exposure to an irritant or allergen Skin lesion biopsy, or culture of the skin
Treatment: Washing thoroughly, if it is detergent related,
you may have to rewash all clothing. Avoid contact to allergens or irritants.
In some cases the best treatment is to do nothing to the area. Topical
corticosteroid medication may reduce inflammation, use as directed and
see talk to you Doctor.
If blister continues more than 2-3 days call your doctor.