First Aid Kits

All families should have first aid kits, since you never can
predict an emergency, and the last thing you want to do when there is
bleeding is to be searching the house for a bandaid or a bandage.
Therefore, first aid kits are necessary, especially for a home with
children, since kids are always getting cuts, burns and bruises. First
aid kits should, however, be out of the reach of children so kids
cannot open small bottles of alcohol or cream. Adults should know where
the first aid kits are, and they should be stored on a high shelf, far
from the reach of children.

not all first aid kits are alike, typical items should include: various
sizes of band-aids, sterile pads, medical tape, gauze, small scissors,
burn cream, antiseptic cream, alcohol, tweezers and cotton balls. You
can also include essential prescription medication, such as insulin,
which is necessary to take on a regular basis. Other items for first
aid kits include aspirin or pain reliever, a laxative, antacid and an
anti-diarrhea medication.

First aid kits are especially
handy when camping, but one should not wait for an occasion like this
before buying or putting together a first aid kit. You can purchase
first aid kits which already have basic items included (except, of
course, for the prescription medication). You can also put together
your own first aid kits and use a plastic box or a similar container.
First aid kits should be clearly labeled so they can be located easily.
Babysitters should be made aware of where the first aid kit is located.
If there is a minor accident, the babysitter will know how to reach the
first aid kit quickly and easily, before the situation becomes more
severe. Finally, first aid kits should be replenished on a regular
basis and should be checked so creams are not out of date and bandages
are not lacking.

Med-Help is for informational purposes and should not be considered medical advice, diagnosis or treatment recommendations.