Healthy Blood Pressure

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Everyone wants to have a healthy blood pressure; this implies a normal blood pressure, which will enable one to lead a normal and healthy life. For knowing what blood pressure you have, you have to get your blood pressure measured.

Measuring Blood Pressure

Blood Pressure measure involves two readings – the systolic blood pressure reading and the diastolic blood pressure reading. The systolic blood pressure is taken when the heart is pumping out blood and the BP reading that is taken between heartbeats reveals the diastolic blood pressure. The combination of these two readings should be near to the normal readings so that you have a healthy blood pressure.

The Measuring Device

The Sphygmomanometer is used for measuring blood pressure. The device has an inflatable arm cuff; this cuff is inflated with a little air pump that tightens the grip around your arm. The results that the device shows indicate the systolic pressure at the top or on the left side and the diastolic pressure at the bottom or on the right side.

The Normal Blood Pressure

If your blood pressure reads 120/72, it implies that your systolic blood pressure is 120 and your diastolic blood pressure is 72. It is essential to maintain your blood pressure at a healthy level for keeping fit and fine. According to experts, the measurement 119/79 reveals a healthy blood pressure for an adult.

The normal, rather the healthy blood pressure is in the range of 120/80 to 129/84. If a person has blood pressure ranging from 130/85 to 139/89, then that person’s BP is considered high-normal. The high blood pressure will account for a measurement of 140/90 or even higher; this will require one to pay close attention to one’s heath and somehow bring it down to a healthy blood pressure.

However, you must know some of the basic facts before measuring your blood pressure. To get the accurate results and the correct blood pressure reading, you need to give your body some rest and then take the measurement. Refrain from taking alcohol, caffeine and/or even smoking at least half an hour prior to taking your blood pressure reading.