Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA)

* Transient ischemic attack or TIA , also called ” little stroke”,
it is a result from a temporary interruption of blood flow. it is considered the least severe.

It is usually a recurrent episode of neurologic deficit, it may last
for just seconds or
hours and clears within 12 – 24 hours. It is considered to be a warning
sign of an impending thrombotic
cerebrovascular accident (CVA ). Studies shows that TIA’s have been
reported in 50% to 80% of patients who have had a cerebral infarction
from such thrombosis.

More common after the age of 50 and men are more prone to have TIA’s.

In TIA, microemboli released from a thrombus probably temporarily interrupt
blood flow, especially in the small distal branches of the arterial tree in the
brain. Small spasms in those arterioles may impair blood flow and also precede TIA.
Predisposing factors are the same as for thrombotic CVAs. Distinctive characteristics of TIA’s include the transient duration of
neurologic deficits and complete return of normal function.

Symptoms of TIA’s:

Double vision

Speech deficits (slurring)

Unilateral blindness

Uncoordinated gait (staggering) – May fall easily due to weakness of legs

Unilateral weakness




Treatment to prevent a complete CVA

Aspirin or anticoagulants to minimize the risk of thrombosis

After or between attacks; preventive treatment includes carotid endarterectomy or cerebral microvascular bypass

Also See Stroke