Cervical Polyps

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Cervical Polyps:  The cause of cervical
polyps is not fully understood, but it usuallly resuts from infections. 
It can be associated with;  Chronic inflammation, increase estrogen
levels that the body does not respond well with, or local congestion of
cervical blood vessles.  Cervcal polyps is very common in the ages
of 20 and over who had children.  it is fairly common to find one
single polyp and in some cases 2 more are found.

Cervical polyps is a projectile growth originating from the mucosal
surface of the cervix, or even the endocervical cannall.  It is a
small growth that hang from a stalk and sticks out (protrude) through the
internal or exterior os (or cervical opening)

Infection and chronic inflammation needs to be treated always, and treated
immediatly to help with the prevention of this disorder.


abnormal vaginal bleeding after intercourse, and douching

abnormal bleeding between menstrual cycle

abnormal bleeding after menopause

white or yellow mucous discharge 

menorrhagia ( abnorml heavy bleeding during menstrual cycle)


Removal of the polyp. It is done as an outpatient procedure
electrocautery or laser vaporization

Antibiotic therapy is usually prescribed because many polyps are infected.

Most cervical polyps are benign, the excised tissue is usually
sent to a pathologist for microscopic examination  ( some cervical
cancers may have appeared as a polyp )

Regrowth of polyps is uncommon

a Pap smear is recommedned at regular intervals