
Chlamydial Infections:  The
most common sexually transmitted disease (STD) in the United States, the infecting
agent is Chlamydia trachomatis, a bacterium.  Chlamydial infection
include urethritis ( inflammation of the  urethra; – a passage through
which urine is discharged from the bladder to the exterior or the body)
in men, and cervicitis ( inflammation of the cervix )  in women, and
lymphogranuloma venereum or LGV ( mark by a primary transient ulcerative
lesion of the genitals, cause by chlamydial infec. ) for both male and
female Because many of theses infections may produce no symptoms until
late in their development, sexual transmission usually occurs unknowingly.

If left untreated, chlamydial infections can lead to  other complications
such as acute epididymitis ( inflammation of the epididymis; the
ducts of which the spermatozoa are stored ), salpingitis (inflammation
of the uterine tube), Pelvic inflammatory disease, and even sterility.
In pregnant women, chlalmydial infections can an has been associated with
spontaneous abortion, premature delivery, and possibly neonatal death. 
Children born of infected mothers may contract trachoma ( an contagious
disease progresses from a mild infection with tiny folicles on the eyelid
conjunctiva to invasion of the cornea, with scaring and contraction which
may result in blindness ), otitis media (ear infection ), and pneumonia
during passage through the birth canal.


Varies with the specific type of infection.

LVG:  the primary lesion is a painless vesicle or
non-indurated ulcer, 2 to 3 mm in diameter ( usually unnoticeable ).

Develops regional lymphadenopathy after 1 to 4 weeks

Inguinal lymph node swelling about 2 weeks later

Systemic symptoms include:  myalgia, headache, fever, chills,
backache, and weight loss

Proctitis:  infection of the rectum may produce: 
diarrhea, tenesmus ( ineffectual and painful straining at stool or in urinating

prorates (itching ), bloody or mucoopurulent discharge (containing
mucus and or pus or both ), diffuse or discrete ulceration in the rectosigmoid

Cervicitis:  cervical erosion, mucopurulent discharge,
pelvic pain or dyspareunia ( painful intercourse )

Endometritis or Salpingitis: Possible pain, abdomen tenderness,
cervix, uterus, and lymph nodes tenderness.  vaginal discharge, and
or painful urination ( dysuria )

Urethral syndrome:   dysuria, pyuria ( pus in
the urine ),  and or urinary frequency

Epididymitis:  Painful scrotal swelling and urethral

Prostatitis:  may have low back pain, urinary frequency,
painful urination, nocturia ( voiding at night ), urethral discharge and
or painful ejaculation.

Urethritis:  dysuria, erythema and tenderness of
the urethral meatus, urinary frequency, pruitus, or urethral discharge

Your doctor may take a culture sample and serologic tests, to determine


Antibiotic therapy 7 to 21 days

Patients with LGV requires extended treatment,.

 * If you are infected with this and or other STD disorder; 
please inform your sex partner or partners so they can get treated and 
to prevent the spread of disease.

 * Call your doctor if you have any of the above symptoms or if
you think that you may have been expose to STD.