Asthma: a condition marked by recurrent attacks of paroxysmal
dyspnea, with wheezing due to spasmodic contraction of the bronchi.
In some cases, it is an allergic manifestation in sensitized persons.
Asthma produces episodic, reversible airway obstruction by way of bronchospasms,
increased mucus secretion, and mucosal edema. Although this common
condition can strike at any age, children under age 10 account for half
the cases. Underlining the significance of hereditary predisposition,
approximately 1/3 of all asthmatics share the condition with at least one
member of their immediate family.
Cause: Intrinsic asthma can result from irritants,
emotional stress, fatigue, temperature and humidity changes, endocrine
changes, or exposure to noxious fumes.
Extrinsic asthma follows exposure to pollen, animal dander,
house dust or mold, food additives containing sulfites, or other sensitizing
Other asthma causes can include aspirin, various nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
drugs, exercise, or occupational exposure to various allergenic factors.
Sudden dyspnea (labored or difficulty breathing)
Tightness in the chest
Coughing (with clear or yellow sputum)
Tachypnea (very rapid breathing) may occur along with use of accessory
respiratory muscles
Rapid pulse
May experience profuse perspiration
An acute asthma attack begins dramatically, with simultaneous onset
of severe multiple symptoms, or insidiously, with gradually increasing
respiratory distress
Asthma that occurs with cyanosis, confusion, and lethargy indicates
the onset of life-threatening status asthmaticus and respiratory failure.
Identifying and avoiding precipitating factors, such as allergens or
irritants, represents treatment’s goal. Usually, such stimuli cannot
be removed entirely. Desensitization to specific antigens may be
helpful but is rarely totally effective or persistent.
Bronchodilators – oral inhalers/oral pills
Patient teaching: Adequate hydration and diet is important
in treating asthma
Peek flow helps to determine breathing level (not a full proof reliable
Be aware and prompt treatment for respiratory infection
Keep inhalers with you at all times (use it as prescribed by your doctor)
Also keep nebulizer readily available at all times
Call or seek medical treatment immediately when medication does not
work and when patient has difficulty breathing.