Head Lice

Head lice are a very common problem among children and can take a
serious turn if the problem persists. It initially starts as an itching
and eventually becomes a cause of grave concern if not treated in time.

What Are Head Lice?

Head lice are actually small
wingless insects that are tan to grayish white in color. They have hook
like claws at each end of the six claws. A head louse stubbornly clings
to the hair locks and it is very difficult to pull one out. The
parasitic insect bites the skin to suck blood and this bite causes the
itching. The common feeding areas are behind the ears and the nape of
the neck.

Head Lice – Stages of Development

First Stage: Nits

tiny eggs of head lice are known as nits, which remain attached to the
hair shaft. The nits are so tiny that it is quite strenuous for the
roving eyes to see them at the first glance.

Second Stage: Nymphs

nits then hatch and develop into Nymphs, after almost a week. Though
the Nymphs look like the adult head lice, they are comparatively
smaller in size.

Third Stage: Head Lice

After a
few weeks, the Nymphs mature into full-grown head lice. The usual life
span of the head lice is 30 days but the person infected with it can
feel a lingering itching sensation even after the lice die. Head lice
can affect people belonging to different age groups. Children between 3
to 12 years of age are mostly affected. This is because they have the
tendency of sharing their belongings and play very closely together. If
you have this notion that head lice infestation is a contagious problem
and affects only those who always remain dirty, you are utterly
mistaken. If you know that someone is infested with lice, then it is
advisable to maintain a little distance from him or her. Sharing the
same pillow, towels, hats, combs and brushes can make you infested with
the hair enemy.

Ways to Prevent Head Lice

Never let your child share brushes, combs or hair decorations
Do not let your child wear a hat used by others
Always make sure that you pack a separate pillow and bed for your child if he or she plans to stay away from home.

Treating Head Lice

have a number of choices, when it comes to treating head lice. You can
purchase the medicines or shampoos that can be bought over the counter.
Actually, the medicated shampoos and chemicals contain those pesticides
and chemicals that can kill the head lice.

One of the best
ways to get rid of head lice is by frequent combing of hair. There are
special lice removing combs from renowned companies, to get the
stubborn parasites out of your hair.

Wash those towels,
clothing, carpet, pillows used by a person infected by the parasites.
You can either wash it with hot water or clean it with vacuum cleaner.

If you take timely care, you can get rid of head lice.