Bursitis is a painful inflammation of one or
more of the bursae –closed sacs that contain small amounts of synovial
fluid and facilitate the motion of muscles and tendons over bony prominence.
Bursitis may be septic, calcific, acute, or chronic.
Acute and chronic bursitis follows recurring trauma that stresses or
pressures a joint, or inflammatory joint disease, such as; gout.
Septic bursitis follows wound infection or bacterial invasion of skin over
the bursa.
Inflammation of affected site
Limited mobility or movement
- Treatment to relieve pain includes:
- Resting and immobilization of the affected area.
- Systemic analgesics analgesics
- Application of cold and heat
- Ultrasound
Doctor may prescribed an injection of an anesthetic and corticosteroids
to reduce inflammation
- Steroid therapy
- R.O.M. execercise/Physical therapy
- Anti-inflammatory medication
Long term control of chronic bursitis may required changes in life-style
to prevent recurring joint irritation.
Supplementary treatment includes fluid removal by aspiration.