23 Weeks Pregnant


In your sixth month ending your second trimester and are now 23 weeks pregnant. Some new symptoms you may be experiencing is itchy abdomen, enlarged breasts, boredom with the pregnancy, and some anxiety regarding the future. 23 weeks pregnant your uterus is approximately the size of a basketball, over a foot long, and weighs about 2 pounds. The fetus has become more coordinated with its movements and can now do such things as pedal its feet or grab the umbilical cord. Your baby can now open and close its eyes and even react to light. Though the baby’s vocal cords are now completely functional your baby will not make a sound until after their initial cry at birth.

It is normal at 23 weeks pregnant to experience some anxiety regarding the future. Some of these anxieties can relate to continuing to work after the baby, childbirth pain, labor and delivering the baby. Some ways to relieve this anxiety may be to take a tour of the hospital or taking a class in childbirth. Many people are terrified of hospitals and find that taking a tour of the place where they will be giving birth to their baby comforting. This can also help with any anxieties you may have with childbirth. By finding out about possible complications, hospital procedures, medical interventions, different methods of pain relief it can also help reduce fears, improve your decision making skills, and prepare most women for pain, and labor and delivery. Some childbirth classes you may consider taking at 23 weeks pregnant include Lamaze and Bradley. Lamaze teaches you the use of relaxation and breathing techniques for women in labor. It also shows how your spouse can give continued support throughout the labor. Lamaze is designed to help with concentration, and advise mothers of comfortable labor and birthing positions, breathing, and distractions. Bradley is when the spouse coaches the delivery by using exercises to ease the discomforts of pregnancy by preparing the muscles for birth and nursing afterwards.